Tetley Tea

Sorry for the delay in my review for Tetley tea. Been unwell with pleurisy so been resting and taking some time out from my blog.I am now recovering and feeling a little better and a Big Big thank you to Tetley tea for sending me some fabulous samples which are helping aid my recovery. So my first Tea of the day i sampled was the Tetley Super Fruits Immune  Peach and Orange flavor. Very refreshing and an wonderful taste which during the cold winter months i would highly recommend as if like me you need your immune system firing on all cylinders to keep you fit and feeling well. And this a great brew to help support your immune system.

 The second Tea of my samples i tried was again a Tetley Super Fruit Boost Blueberry and Raspberry flavor. As most of us know when your not feeling 100%  as the day goes on you can start to feel a bit fatigued and tired. So i thought i will boil the  kettle and make myself a nice cup of the Tetley Super Fruit Boost to help give me that little extra boost .I love the taste of Blueberry and with the added Raspberry it really was a nice change and again it tasted so refreshing and i felt refreshed.

So my final Tea of the day is the Tetley Camomile tea. This fantastic Brew as it is Naturally Caffeine free and as and helps sooth and relax me for a good night sleep.So when i take my Kate Moss book up to bed and snuggle down i have a cup of Camomile to help me relax and calm me down for the night. Perfect warm drink to go to bed with on these cold dark winter nights. Over next weeks i will sample the other fabulous Teas Tetley have sent me, As a Tea Lover these really are fantastic Products their really is a tea for everyone taste buds.....

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